Survey of Household Welfare and Labour in Tanzania (SHWALITA)

The Survey of Household Welfare and Labour in Tanzania (SHWALITA) is a 4,000-household survey, funded by the World Bank and implemented by EDI Global in 2007. It comprises three separate experiments: (i) Consumption experiment: This experiment involves eight alternative consumption questionnaires distributed randomly among 4,000 households. The questionnaires differ in method (diaries or recall modules), […]

Kagera Health and Development Survey (KHDS)

The Kagera Health and Development Survey (KHDS) is a study into the long-run wealth dynamics of households and individuals within North West Tanzania. EDI Global interviewed households originally interviewed from 1991 to 1994, with follow-up surveys in 2004 and 2010. This constitutes one of the longest-running African panel data set of this nature and offers […]